Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Naming a Panda

You may or may not have noticed it, but yesterday a Panda was named at the Washington Zoo and it got national media attention.

Several scientists, zoologists, and dignitaries were flown in from China for the event. The cheapest I can find for a flight from China is about $2,000 dollars. This doesn't include the amount of money spent to wine and dine and host these Panda experts.

The zoo is part of the Smithsonian Institute which means our tax dollars pay for it. Congratulations those of you with jobs, your entire federal income taxes for this year (roughly 15-30% of your income or the amount of money you "earned" from Jan. 1 to early March) went to bring some Chinese dude to DC so he could be there when a frickin baby Panda was named, not even born, but named.

...and we wonder why taxes are so damn high. Instead of spending all of our resources to house and feed starving people in our own country or to build more fuel efficient vehicles, we're making sure China is properly represented at the naming of a baby bear that will spend all its days lumbering about chewing on bamboo shoots and if we're "lucky" will someday mate with its own 2nd cousin and have a baby panda that we can fly more flippin foreign dignitaries over to name.

I think I'm gonna buy a Chihuahua and bill the government for airfare when I fly in 32 Mexicans for Pedro's naming.


Blogger Drew said...

Here's my opinion on pandas, in case you wanted it. They deserve to be extinct. They eat one kind of bamboo which, aside from being rare, has almost no nutritional value so they need to eat it about 14 hours a day. The other 10 hours a day they spend sleeping, or bumbling around at a half a mile an hour trying to find more of that damn bamboo they love so much. When you finally put something in front of them that they can have sex with, they refuse. Pandas hate sex. Plain and simple.

If pandas want to live on this planet, they should be more like people. Eat and fuck everything. Otherwise, it's time for you, as a species, to die.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Dusty said...

Who is Steve?

11:48 AM  
Blogger Dusty said...

Ahhh. That Steve.

When is retardeddoctors going to be activated?

4:17 PM  
Blogger DavidD said...

all the male panda's are gay? let's get real no gay man would be caught dead always wearing black and white without any colored accessories.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so intelligient drew, to applaude eating and fucking everything. Your intelligient and well written comments could only be the result of such activity by your parents, since you are so clearly an example of the success of abolishing natural selection. i soooooooooooo wish i could meet you, and get the chance to hear your impressive comments on such topics. you sound so well read and coherent. in case you wanted it, my opinion is that the only women you have been lucky enough to fuck have been the ones who probably eat and fuck everything.

sincerely, panda species
p.s. fuck you.

9:12 PM  

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