Thursday, October 20, 2005

Medicaid gave me my erection back

Some US Representatives are working to end a program where in Mediacaid pays for VIAGRA and other impotence drugs for medicaid recipients.

Who started this policy anyway? How did this discussion start?

I envision a bunch of lawmakers sitting around schmooozing over an overpriced taxpayer-paid for lunch talking about great ways to spend more money.

Senator 1: We could use it to give our troops bulletproof vests so they can be a bit safer while serving our country.

Senator 2: I like it, but I think we shouldwork on devoting money to cure cancer, that would save more lives in the long run.

Senator 3: Those are both good ideas, but I really think we need to make sure poor people can still get a boner even if their impotence was induced by overuse of cocaine ("almost 100% of men who use cocaine regularly are impotent!). Why save lives when we can help people who already can't afford to support their families have more kids they can't afford that we can pay for in the long run?

I'd love to rant more on this lovely waste of taxpayer funds, but I have a cardiology exam tomorrow to study for.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reconstrucing the Medicaid is one good new, but removing the for impotent drugs is a better treat. Perhaps the officials are starting to realize how healthcare can win you the elections. Just ask George W. Bush.

3:42 PM  

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