Wednesday, January 25, 2006

You mean I can no longer go to a High School prom?


Blogger Zach said...

If buying alcohol is their only argument then they need to shut up. I'm willing to bet that most of those kids have either a fake or another easy source they can go to. Hell, I bet the parents even buy for a select and lucky few. Now if you want to ban something put a lower age limit on the thing. A nobody under 16 should be going to a prom anyway.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Dusty said...

Good point.

I remember after prom my junior year, my date and I came back to my place and I pulled out the box of wine from my parents' fridge.

Nothing says class like boxed white zinfandel!

6:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did you "tax" with said date after the box of wine was polished? C'mon be honest, inquiring minds want to know...

12:06 PM  
Blogger Dusty said...

No, I did not charge said date 6% on the dollar for her plastic cup full or boxed wine. I actually gave it to her for free and charitable gifts of value less than $250 are non-taxable in the state of Ohio.

I think that the root of your apparent frustration in your dating life may be your attempt to charge your date(s) 6% of the cost of the meal.

4:31 PM  

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