Thursday, December 01, 2005

Brilliant places to hide when running from the cops

Many people run from the cops for various reasons following a variety of offenses committed. There are many places to hide; cornfields, garages, sheds, friend's houses, Mexico, Rosie O'Donnell's belly button... the list of good possible places to hide goes on and on.

Today in Des Moines, following a hit and run accident, a man fled police and decided to jump into the Des Moines river where he stayed for over 20 minutes until Police Officers drug him out. It is currently 16 degrees Farenheit outside for those of you fortunate enough not to be in Des Moines, Iowa at this time.

If you're ever running from the cops in winter, don't jump into a large body of water! There's this thing called hypothermia... it's bad and it will kill you.

On second thought, if you are running from the cops following a hit and run or some other serious offense, maybe we're better off if you freeze yourself out of the gene pool or at least stay in long enough to make yourself sterile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if the bouncer was a grotesquely large Texan from Lubbock, TX?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, that bounce didn't deserve to be shot, but this guy sure asked for it...,2933,177996,00.html

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:00 PM  

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